Nine Thoughts and Tips for Fantasy Writing

Since I am a “fantasy” writer, I thought I’d follow up on my Fiction tips with some pointers that are specific to the most fantastic of genres. By fantasy I am referring to any form of fiction that is set in a world different than ours, including parallel universes, high fantasy, sword-and-sorcery fantasy, science fiction, surrealist fiction, and every other similar kind of writing.

Tips for Fantasy Writing:

Here are the 9 tips. Clicking on the links will send you to a more detailed analysis of each one.

  1. Show, don’t tell (especially not with prologues)
  2. Steal, borrow, tribute, and copy, but don’t plagiarize (yes, there is a difference)
  3. Write archetypes, not stereotypes
  4. Don’t invent a world; discover it
  5. Believe in the fantasy – become a child
  6. Get the details right
  7. Don’t read fantasy if you want to write it
  8. Focus on story, not plot
  9. Embrace the pure creation

1 thought on “Nine Thoughts and Tips for Fantasy Writing

  1. Pingback: Outermost Mansion Preview 1 – “Prelude: Consumed” |

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